Friday, December 5, 2014

Portable Storage for Scanning and Sharing

Before you begin scanning and sharing your Family History photographs and documents you may need to get a thumb drive.  The prices have gone way down and so I recommend you get at least a 16 GB thumb drive for your sharing needs. It will hold hundreds and even thousands of files, according to your scanning size.  I also recommend you set your scanner to no less than 300 dpi and 400 is even better.  If you are scanning very small pictures about 1 inch square you should scan it at 1200 dpi.  Here is a thumb drive I bought at Best Buy last week for less than $7.  This is a good time of the year to get good deals.
Be sure to bring your thumb drive to our workshops.  It is also a good idea to back up your Family History file as a GED com file on your thumb drive.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Preserving Your Pictures

A picture tells a thousand words!  Handle them carefully, gently put the names of individuals on the backs of each picture.  Get organized and be consistent.  For example:  always list the people from left to right.  Put their full names, First, Middle and Last names.  Include nick names if you know them in (parenthesis).  Give the location and the date or approximate date. Then comes the big moment... get them scanned so they can be organized and shared.  Writing a personal history is so much better if you can include pictures.  Don't forget to take pictures of their homes whenever possible.  We will have a scanning social toward the beginning of December so get your pictures and documents ready!
This is me standing in front of one of the many scanners available for
free in the SLC Family History Library.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Family History Research

This Family History Research blog was created to give those who are actively doing research a place to learn and share helpful research techniques and to give them a place to ask and answer each others questions.  Please put in you email address in the "FOLLOW BY EMAIL" so you can stay up-to-date with new posts and information, click on "Submit"..  You can go directly to my Pinterest page with many Helpful Hints by clicking on this link or cut and paste it into your browser: